Preschool Information


Summary of charges 2025
Enrolment/membership fee | $60.00 |
4 yr old (per 2 days days attendance) | $49.00 |
Reduced fees (per 2 days days attendance) | $17.00 |
Child of Aboriginal/Torres Strait origin | $10.00 |
3 yr old | $66.00 |
Enrichment visit (per event) | $17.50 |
Per term Maintenance Donation | $50.00 |
Christmas Levy (cost of child’s Christmas gift and additional craft) | $30.00 |
Late payment fee | $10.00 |
Late pick-up fee | $5 per 5 minutes |
****All fees are reviewed regularly and may be subject to change****

Richmond Preschool is state funded and therefore does not attract CCS ( Child Care Subsidy)


Any normal public holidays are observed by the preschool. These are exempt from fees.

We have 2 classrooms at Richmond Preschool.
Our Director, Jacqui is in charge of the day to day operation of the preschool
Administration is managed by Nerida
- 1-Full time ECT
- 1-Part time ECT
- 3-Part time Diploma
- 2-Part time Cert III
- 1-Part time Cert III supporting additional needs
- 1-Part time Diploma supporting additional needs
- 1-Full time ECT
- 3-Part time Diploma
- 3-Part time Cert III
- 1-Part time Cert III supporting additional needs
- 1-Part time ECT supporting additional needs

Richmond Preschool has an extensive number of policies. See an educator if you would like to view these. Policy List avaliable here.

Parents are encouraged in the first place to advise the Director/Nominated Supervisor of any necessary issues. (please refer to Grievance Policy for further information).
Preschool has a suggestion box located at the sign in counter in the foyer. All parents are invited to make comments/suggestions regarding the preschool if they have ideas or feedback.
Information Book

Our information book is provided to all families on enrolment. This is a valuable source of information and good to refer to from time to time. Please click here for our Information Booklet.
Contact Details

It is important that we have current phone numbers that we can get in contact with you and that we have at least one Emergency Contact for you child.
The preschool MUST be notified IMMEDIATELY if your home or work phone number changes. We must always have your current phone number in case of an emergency. The preschool must also be notified if you have changed your emergency contact details.
Educators will not let your child leave with anyone that you have not authorised to collect them. Please ensure you inform educators of anyone other than yourself that will be picking up your child.
You can either fill out this form to update your details or see an educator the next time you are at preschool.